Mental limitation

Mental limitation
=Condition Unwilling to kill
=Points 0
=Unique Rule When you kill a person since gaining this condition you will lose 4 WP.
=Unique Rule When you kill a second person since you gained this condition you will lose 2 WP.
=Unique Rule When you kill a third person since you gained this condition you will lose 1 WP and this condition.
=Details You have a moral or psychological barrier against killing which makes it emotionally traumatizing to you or gives you extreme battle fatigue.

=Condition Unwilling to steal
=Points 0
=Unique Rule When you steal an item since gaining this condition you will lose 2 WP.
=Unique Rule When you steal a second item since you gained this condition you will lose 1 WP.
=Unique Rule When you steal a third item since you gained this condition you will lose 1 WP and this condition.
=Details You have a moral or psychological barrier against stealing which makes it stressful to you.
=Condition Unwilling to torture
=Points 0
=Unique Rule When you torture since gaining this condition you will lose 4 WP.
=Unique Rule When you torture a second time since you gained this condition you will lose 2 WP.
=Unique Rule When you torture a third time since you gained this condition you will lose 1 WP and this condition.
=Details You have a moral or psychological barrier against torture which makes it emotionally traumatizing to you to perform.
=Condition Pacifist/Battle fatigued
=Points 0
=Unique Rule When you enter battle since gaining this condition you will lose 4 WP.
=Unique Rule When you enter battle the second time since you gained this condition you will lose 2 WP.
=Unique Rule When you enter battle the third time since you gained this condition you will lose 1 WP and this condition.
=Details You have a moral or psychological barrier against violence which makes it emotionally traumatizing to you or gives you extreme battle fatigue.
=Condition Addictive personality
=Points 0
=Unique Rule The percentage change that you get addicted or that the addiction level rises is doubled.
=Unique Rule You have 1 less WP to determine if you fall below the forced consume treshhold of the addiction condition.
=Unique Rule In addition any stimulant has a 1% chance of getting you addicted or heightening your addiction level.
=Details Some people are more susceptible to addiction.

If you choose to start your character with one of the following addiction levels you also have to determine what the percentage level of heightening your addiction level is if the substance (or action, like gambling, or sex for example) doesn't specify. We recommend anywhere in between 1% (alcohol) to 25% (heroin).

=Condition Addicted 0
=Points 0
=Unique Rule If you ever consume the substance again you instantly gain the addiction level it was at it's highest point. You also instantly gain that much WP.
=Unique Rule If you ever fall below 2 WP you have to consume the substance if it is nearby (on the event) and you know about it.
=Details You kicked the habit. But you have to stay vigilant for the rest of your life because a relapse is never far away.
=Condition Addicted 1
=Points 0
=Unique Rule You cannot gain willpower from your indulgence unless you have consumed the substance you are addicted to this week.
=Unique Rule If you ever fall below 3 WP you have to consume the substance if it is nearby (on the event) and you know about it.
=Shared Rule If you do not consume the substance for 5 months and spend 5: this condition loses a level.
=Details It felt so good the first time... I have to try it again, nothing else compares.
=Condition Addicted 2
=Points 0
=Unique Rule You cannot gain willpower from your indulgence unless you have consumed the substance you are addicted to today.
=Unique Rule If you ever fall below 3 WP you have to consume the substance if it is nearby (on the event) and you know about it.
=Shared Rule If you do not consume the substance for 5 months and spend 10: this condition loses a level.
=Details Its your poison of choice.
=Condition Addicted 3
=Points 0
=Unique Rule You cannot gain willpower unless you have consumed the substance you are addicted to today.
=Unique Rule If you ever fall below 3 WP you have to consume the substance if it is nearby (on the event) and you know about it.
=Unique Rule If the substance you are addicted to gives (extra) WP you no longer gain this (extra) WP from the substance unless you take a double dose.
=Shared Rule If you do not consume the substance for 5 months and spend 15: this condition loses a level.
=Details You need more to achieve the same high. More.
=Condition Addicted 4
=Points 0
=Unique Rule You cannot gain willpower unless you have consumed the substance you are addicted to today.
=Unique Rule If you ever fall below 3 WP you have to consume the substance if it is nearby (on the event) and you know about it.
=Unique Rule If the substance you are addicted to gives (extra) WP you no longer gain this (extra) WP from the substance unless you take a triple dose.
=Unique Rule If you do not consume the substance the days before the event you start with 2 less WP.
=Shared Rule If you do not consume the substance for 5 months and spend 20: this condition loses a level.
=Details You practically live of this stuff. You also live for it.
=Condition Illiterate
=Points 0
=Unique Rule Pick one of the languages you speak, you can't write and read in this language.
=Shared Rule Spend 40: lose this condition.
=Details Most peasants in Heimr don't learn to read or write.
=Condition Language impaired
=Points 0
=Unique Rule You only speak a single language instead of the starting two.
=Shared Rule Spend 40: lose this condition.
=Details Utgardians usually speak either low merchant language (Dutch) and their native tongue. Asgardians usually speak either high merchant language (English) and their native tongue. Midgardians usually speak both low and high merchant. But some folk only learn their native tongue or only a merchant language.
=Condition Extra language
=Points 2
=Unique Rule You can speak an extra language on top of the starting two.
=Unique Rule You gain the Illiterate condition for this language.
=Shared Rule You can train this condition as if it where a skill for 4 points instead of 2.
=Details Heimr known many languages and dialects.
=Condition Depression
=Unique Rule If you would were to regain a WP you regain only half a WP instead.
=Unique Rule Your maximum WP is reduced by 2.
=Shared Rule You have 3 less every month.
=Shared Rule Spend 200: lose this condition.
=Details Your feel bad about your life. Even if nothing is really amiss.
=Condition Deep depression
=Unique Rule If you would were to regain a WP you regain only half a WP instead.
=Unique Rule Your maximum WP is reduced by 3.
=Shared Rule You have 5 less every month.
=Shared Rule Spend 200: lose this condition and gain the "depression" condition.
=Details Your will to live is sapped from you. This hurts your work and mood greatly.
Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 21-06-2013 04:08