Not For First Release

Not For First Release Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 02-04-2015 21:42

"Should" and "Could" and "would" things for this release.

"Should" and "Could" and "would" things for this release.






= Skill Sacrifice Flesh
= Requires Automata Crafting
You can use the sacrifice flesh component to power automata.
= Skill Component Focus
= Requires Automata Crafting
One single component type provides twice the amount of power.
= Skill Specialised Glyph
= Requires Automata Crafting
You gain one(?) specialised glyph.
= Skill Trigger Mastery
= Requires Automata Crafting
The fixed cost of a trigger glyph type is reduced by 100.
The waiting cost of a trigger glyph type is reduced by 1.

Glyph Crafting

= Skill Glyph Crafting
= Requires Automata Crafting
You have the ability to craft new glyphs.
You can decode existing automata.
= Skill Register Saving
= Requires Glyph Crafting
The glyph multiplier for using registers is one lower, with a minimum of one.
= Skill Loop Optimisation
= Requires Glyph Crafting
The N term for looping glyphs becomes 3/4 N.

System Crafting

= Skill System Crafting
= Requires Automata Crafting
You have the ability to craft systems.
= Skill Power Transfer
= Requires System Crafting
The cost of each automata in the system is reduced by 100.
Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 06-04-2015 21:47




  • Two types: Dampen and scramble.
  • Dampen lowers field excitations in a specific area and causes modifying effects to be harder.
  • Scramble causes random spikes in the fields in a specific area and causes creation effects to be harder.
  • Both have a value attached. Each 1 increase increases power cost for that type of automata with 100.
Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 02-04-2015 21:42

Glyph Crafting

Glyph Crafting

Glyphs are the building blocks of automata, but each glyph itself consists of smaller instructions that modify reality in some small way. These instructions are provided by the spark.

Glyph crafting is the ability to create new glyphs built from the base instructions.

Creating a Glyph

Creating Dominant Glyphs

During glyph creation, you can mark a glyph as a dominant glyph of a certain element. There are two drawbacks to this. First, you are not allowed to manipulate the element's opposite type. If you do, either directly or through inputs, the glyph's code in the automata will fall apart and the flow will be interrupted, causing all stored intermediaries to be released at random. The second drawback of making a dominant glyph is that you are only allowed to use constant values of the dominant type.


A mage that knows how the internals of most automata work can use this knowledge to decipher automata and glyphs. However, a mage with this knowledge can only see the raw instruction chain of the automata, not the actual glyphs. This raw chain contains additional code used for handling IN/OUT parameters of glyphs and does not contain any label definitions. Jump instructions have their label destination replaced with a four dimensional coordinate that is relative to the surface of the device the automata is inscribed on and is generally impossible for mortals to figure out.

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08-10-2014 14:53

Glyph Language

Glyph Language

Glyph Language Rules:

  • Expressions are the basic element.
  • Expressions are separated by whitespace. Additional whitespace is ignored. Whitespace includes space, tab and newlines.
  • Comments are written using #


  • Type:Value => Register
    Defines a constant value and stores it in Register.
  • Register1 => Register2
    Retrieves the value from Register1 and stores it in Register2.
  • processing_operation(parameter1 .. parameterN) => Register
    Performs operation with parameter1 to parameterN and stores the result in Register.
  • -> label
    Label declaration. Provides a point where jump instructions can jump to.
  • when comparison_operation(parameter1 .. parameterN) jump label
    If the comparison operation returns true, perform a jump to the named label. Otherwise, normal program flow continues.
  • jump label
    Jump unconditionally to the specified label.

Processing Operations

  • combine(param1, param2)
    Combines param1 with param2 and returns the result.
    The following happens when combining:
    • type(param1) == type(param2) > param1 + param2
    • type(param1) == inv(param2) > param1 - param2
    • else > param1
  • append(param1, param2)
    Creates an aggregate from param1 and param2.
    The following happens with an aggregate:
    • If param1 and param2 are particles, the result becomes an atom.
    • If param1 or param2 are atoms the result becomes a molecule.,

Comparison Operations

  • empty(param1)
    Returns true if param1 is empty, false if not.
  • notempty(param1)
    Returns true if param1 is not empty.
  • equals(param1, param2)
    Returns true if param1 equals param2, both in number and type. Will always return false if either param1 or param2 is empty.
  • greater(param1, param2)
    Returns true if param1 is the same type as param2 and param1 is greater than param2. Will return false if either param1 or param2 is empty or if the types do not match.
  • less(param1, param2)
    Returns true if param1 is the same type as param2 and param1 is less than param2. Will return false if either param1 or param2 is empty or if the types do not match.
  • same_type(param1, param2)
    Returns true if the type of param1 is the same as the type of param2.
Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 09-10-2014 22:59

Implementation Details

Implementation Details

These pages contain details about how the system is implemented.

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08-10-2014 14:44

Primordial Magic DSL Example

Primordial Magic DSL Example

An example automaton that creates a small burst of fire.

# Program start
start ->                    # 0;

# Gather energy
set R1 => 2 : Fire          # 3;
set R2 => 1 : Water         # 5;

# Wait until a target is chosen then execute the rest, this sets TARGET register
on target jump target       # 10;

target ->                   # 10;

# Combine Fire and Water to get Fire and Energy
set R1, R2 => R1 + R2       # 15;

# Combine Energy with Direction to get Force
set R2 => R2 + TARGET       # 19;

# Apply force to fire to gain a missile
set R1 => R1 + R2           # 23;

# Release the energy of the missile to finish the spell
release R1                  # 24;
Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 25-03-2013 21:21

Primordial Magic DSL Grammar

Primordial Magic DSL Grammar

WIP Grammar for a DSL that can be used to represent the Primordial Magic Automata


$identifier ::=     [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
$number     ::=     [0-9]+
$comment    ::=     #.*\n
$typeID     ::=     [A-Z][a-z]*
$register   ::=     R[0-7] | TARGET
$eventID    ::=     touch | target


@label      ::=     $identifier

@label_def  ::=     @label ->
@jump       ::=     jump @label
@event      ::=     on $eventType jump @label; 
# Blocking, sets TARGET when activated

@branch     ::=     branch @expr jump @label;
             |      branch @expr jump @label else @label;

@expr       ::=     $register
             |      @constant
             |      @comparison
             |      @expr + @expr
             |      !@expr
             |      isnull @expr
@comparison ::=     @expr < @expr
             |      @expr <= @expr
             |      @expr = @expr
             |      @expr > @expr
             |      @expr >= @expr
@constant   ::=     $number : $typeID

@set        ::=     set $register(, $register)* => @expr

@release    ::=     release $register
Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 25-03-2013 21:14

Specialised Glyphs

Specialised Glyphs
Glyph Send
= Special Pick a number from 1 to 10. This glyph creates a numbered "output port" for systems to use.
= Special When activated, the message as defined by the system is sent. IN1 is passed along as value.
Glyph Receive
= Special Pick a number from 1 to 10. This glyph creates a numbered "input port" for systems to use.
= Special Will block until a message is received.
= Return The value from the message, if any
Glyph Area Trigger
= Special Pick a radius. A circle with that radius is used as area for this trigger.
= Special Blocks until someone enters the area.
Glyph Create Living Tissue
= Special Pick an amount in grams. This glyph will create that amount of living tissue.
= Return The chosen amount of living tissue.
= Note The tissue is moldable for a few seconds after creation.
Glyph Loop control
= Special Can be used to create loops in automata. One side only allows flow from the loop control to the adjacent glyph, not the other way around. This prevents ambiguities in the flow.
Anonymous (not verified) Sun, 26-04-2015 23:45

System Crafting

System Crafting

Systems are combinations of automata that together form a larger whole.

System crafting is the ability to create systems from a number of automata.

Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08-10-2014 14:54