Combat Skill

Combat Skill

Combat Skill determines your base attack and defence scores. Attack determines the chance of scoring a potential hit against your target, while defence determines the minimum Attack your enemy needs to hit you. During a combat, the attacker rolls a d20 and adds his attack. This result is then compared to the target's defence score. If the attack is higher or equal then it is a potential hit. (See Dodge below.)

Your total attack during a round is determined by your base attack and several modifiers, like your weapon, your tactics, powers you have used and others. Your defence is determined mainly by your base defence with a bonus from your weapons, but other modifiers are also possible.

The following table lists weapon modifiers for attack:

Weapon type Length Modifier
One Handed Weapon 70cm - 110cm +1e
Two Handed Weapon 110cm - 150cm +2e
Pole-arms and Staves 150cm+ +3e

The modifiers for defence are listed in the following table:

Weapon type Length Modifier
Unarmed n/a +3e
Small Weapons 0 - 30cm +5e
One Handed Weapons 30cm - 70cm +6e
One Handed Weapons 70cm - 110cm +7e
Two Handed Weapons 110cm - 150cm +8e
Pole-arms, Staves 150cm+ +10e
Shield* n/a +5e
Two weapon fighting n/a Special**

* The defence bonus from a shield stack with that of your weapon.
** For two weapon fighting, your defence bonus is equal to that of your main hand combined with half the defence bonus of your off hand rounded down.

Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 23-11-2009 21:26