

Characters in the Heimr Tabletop RPG are similar to characters created for the LARP. They have hit points, willpower, skills, conditions and items. In addition to these, the Tabletop RPG core also has two additional properties which are used in dice challenges: Attributes and abilities. Rules about Hit Points, Willpower, Skills, Condition and items can be found in the LARP rules documents but the rules for attributes and abilities are explained here as they are only used in the tabletop version of Heimr to simulate some of the challenges a LARP player would normally face with their out of character skills (like swing a foam sword).


Attributes are fundamental properties of a character, they are relatively hard to change and train when compared to abilities and most likely won't change much during the campaign. Attributes effect every roll your character makes. You can either roll an attribute directly, or you can roll abilities, which are based on attributes. For more information on dice rolls, see Abilities. The set of six attributes mentioned below is the standard used in most Heimr roleplaying campaigns, however a DM may choose to use different sets of attributes for their campaign. For example if a campaign will gloss over combat and focus on political intrigue DM's might choose to have more social attributes (like "manipulation" or "composure") and "Strength, dexterity and stamina" might simply be folded into "Physical" and if a campaign will feature players as members of a football team, certain physical attributes that are less important in combat might come to the fore or split up from main attributes (like "Kick strength" vs "run strength" or "accuracy" vs "reflexes")

There are six attributes in the Heimr Tabletop RPG core:

Attribute Short Group Description
Strength str Physical A character's way to exert force
Dexterity dex Physical A character's motor skill and hand-eye coordination
Stamina sta Physical The way of a character to exert herself over a longer period of time.
Intelligence int Mental The ease with which a character can plan, learn, reason, solve logical problems and remember.
Sociability soc Mental The ease with which a character can interact and communicate with others.
Empathy emp Mental The way a character recognizes and to a lesser degree shares feelings of others.


Abilities are things that all characters can do to some extend, but how good a character is at them can vary greatly. Differences occur either because characters have a natural advantage through their attributes or because they have trained that ability.

For instance someone with a high intelligence will naturally be better at intelligence based abilities like maths or history. Secondly if someone has trained in an ability, such as maths will make she better at it, even if she has less intelligence.

Things such as using a type of weapon, entertaining a crowd, running, sculpting, waiting tables and mathematics can all be considered abilities. There is no fixed set of abilities (although there are a lot of examples later in this booklet), although some DM's might give a set of abilities that will be relevant during this campaign. Players should only write down those abilities in which they have training, or which they will need frequently. Example sets will be available too.

Abilities are relatively easy to train up when compare to attributes.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) di, 20/12/2011 11:56