

Editor note: This chapter isn't finished yet.

Combat does not happen under ideal circumstances. The environment can have a great impact on the outcome of a battle. Those who know the environment they fight in, can have a great advantage. Any number of things, such as having the high ground, knowing where to hide your archers and knowing the escape routes can make all the difference between victory and death.

Difficult terrain

Some types of terrain are more difficult to manoeuvre in. Things like mud, loose snow, low water, sloping and tall grass make it more difficult to fight in. Characters moving in difficult terrain will either have to be more careful where they step, or are slowed by the ground they walk on. This effects how fast they can respond to opportunities and threats coming their way. Characters standing on difficult terrain have a consistency penalty of one to melee attacks, parry and dodge. Difficult terrain is a property of a location. This means that any character in that location will be effected by the penalty. Multiple locations of a battlefield can have difficult terrain.

Movement limits

Some borders, like doorways or thick vegetation can not be crossed with many characters at the same time. These limits form barriers, that can be used to hold off a larger force. Allowing defenders to deal with fewer opponents, while others have to wait. Movement limits will be specified by the GM as part of a battlefield.

The count of the limit starts at the first character who moves through the border. This character counts as the first on the limit. As soon as the limit is reached, no more characters can move through the border. The count is reset to zero at the start of the first character to move through.

Some examples are:

Name Limit
Single door 2
Thick vegetation 2
Double door 4
Window 1
Ladder 1

Crossing challenges

Crossing challenges occur when characters might find it difficult to cross a border. For instance if they have to climb or jump. The GM will provide a challenge requirements for the players to meet. If they fail the character can not go across the border, and characters fall prone.

Crossing CR
Window 5
1.5 meter jump 1
2 meter jump 3
2.5 meter jump 6
3 meter jump 9
Rope swing 4

Structural barriers

Structural barriers make it impossible to cross a border. Barriers can always be destroyed, but most of the time players will not have enough destructive power with them to break down a barrier. All barriers should have a toughness number so players could break them down.

Structure Toughness
=Regular door 2
=Strong door 4
=Regular gate 6
=Wooden wall 4
=Stone wall 6


Standing higher then your opponent gives you a significant advantage during combat. There might be a height difference within a square, or between squares characters can take advantage of. You can freely move around as long as the height difference is no more then one, which is somewhere between a meter and one meter fifty. You can attack characters with melee who are one position higher or one position lower. Attacking with melee against a target who stands higher has a consistency penalty of one. Attacking with melee against a target who stands lower has a consistency bonus of one.

When there is a height difference of two or more, you must climb to get to that height. If this height difference exists between squares, you must climb to the right height before you can enter the square. These climbs may be difficult or nearly impossible, for instance when faced with a defensive wall with a height of four. In that case you'll need some sort of ladder to get up. Most climbs will have a challenge requirement. If you fail this challenge you will fall from the height you attempt to reach. For every climb action, you move one height up or down. In addition, when you are hit with an effect or an attack, you must make a climb check with a consistency of one to see if you can hold on.

When you fall or jump from a height of two or more, you must make an agility check to see if you become injured from the fall. The challenge requirement for jumping is two times the height difference. So with a height of 4, the requirement is 8. The challenge requirement while falling is two plus twice the height, so with a height of 4 the requirement is 10. If your character fails this challenge requirement their HP is reduced to three minus the height from which you felt. So, falling from a height of six will reduce you to -3 HP. Wearing armour does not protect characters from fall damage. The injury you receive is to the legs, and to the torso if reduced to -4 or -5 HP.

Challenge requirements for climbing:

=Challenge requirement
=Ladder or stairs none
=Rope ladder 2
=Rope 4
=Rock face 6
=Steep rock face 9
=Tree 5
=Stone wall 11

Concealment [90%]

Concealing from your opponents can be important for many different reasons, such as ambushing them, retreating when you are injured, or to avoid getting hit by their ranged attacks. Unless the GM specifies what direction your concealment is effective in, concealment will work against any opponent, except those in a combat cluster with you.

Any kind of concealment requires some relatively large object of some density. How dense an object is determines how effective it is as concealment. Merlon on a castle wall for instance, are specifically designed to provide concealment against oncoming attacks. Because they are solid stone blocks, it is very hard for an archer to hit someone hiding behind them. Where as something like tall grass will not make much difference to the archer.

Extreme weather and darkness also provide concealment. One that can be gained anywhere on the battlefield. Lighting, such as a torch or a camp fire can be used to avoid darkness. Torches light everything at a distance of one, and a camp fire over a distance of two. Any kind of roof helps against the concealment extreme weather provides. A complete inability to see the opponent provides a concealment of three, like in a blinding sandstorm, underground cave or moonless night. Darkness or extreme weather improve the effectiveness of other concealment.

Examples of concealment:

Name Effectiveness Height
Thick tree 2 4 or more
Wooden cart or crate 2 1
Shrubbery 1 1
Stone merlon 5 2
Wooden table 3 1
Tall grass 1 1
Darkness 1 to 3 Not applicable
Extreme weather 1 to 3 Not applicable
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) di, 20/12/2011 12:20