Spirit Magic (early draft)

Spirit Magic (early draft)

Maintainer: Wilco Copperjaw

=Skill Shaman trance
=Points ?
=Unique Rule Spend 5 minutes starting a trance, spend 1 WP: Leave a pysrep of your body. Raise your hand and search a DM.

Things shamans can do:

  • Look into the local spirit world
  • Feed spirits
  • Communicate with spirits
    • Promise spirit energy
    • Promise spirit to serve
    • Order spirit to attack
  • Call spirit connections
  • Use spirit abilities / channel spirits

Spirit ranks: - Sprite - Spectre - Phantom - Wraith

Example banes and abilities:

Sprite level: - Smear honey (worth at least 5 copper) on a tree every month. => call stumble once per hour.

Spectre: - Cause an injury to a person every month (or 2) and spend 5 copper on smelly oils => +1 HP

Phantom: - Blood sacrifice of 3 WP every day the ability is used =>

Connection type 1 (Spirit Guardian): - Spirits have needs in two categories (known, unconscious) - These needs have different point values unknown to the players but known to the DM. - Locations promise spirits a stable amount of points per time period, this is usually enough to sustain them. - Shamans can promise spirits an amount of points per time period. - The spirit will follow the power source that promises them the most amount of points. - Spirits will actively ask for the known needs. The DM will calculate the unconscious needs but the spirit won't communicate them. - Known needs come in the form off banes. If the player breaks a promise to uphold one of these banes the spirit becomes unruly and points will be deducted. - If a location is nearby that promises more points, the spirit will flee to that location.

  • Spirits will grow in power when they receive more points than it will cost to maintain their power. This will make a spirit loyal to the shaman. - A shaman his threat level is equal to the total level of loyal spirits + an amount of levels determined by shamanic skill. - A shaman his threat level should be equal to or higher than the total level of his neutral spirits. If not the shaman his WP will be reduced. If the WP reaches a certain low willpower and you go into trance the shaman will be attacked by his own spirits and might lose his soul. - As spirits grow more powerful, they will give you more abilities, and they will develop new needs. They will also periodically ask the shaman to promise to take on higher banes. After a while they will no longer be loyal, unless the shaman starts feeding them even more points. - If spirits are underfed or if you do not keep your promises they will become unruly: you cannot cast the spells associated with them. - If you order your spirits to attack one of your own (which they will only do if they are loyal), the other spirits you have with you react to this variedly (according to their personalities). They might shift from loyal to neutral to unruly. They might shift from unruly to neutral to loyal. They might gain a temporary dislike to you. They might also go away for a day (in which case they could get attacked by local spirits) - Spirits have personality quirks that modify the basis behaviour outlined above.
  • Example personality (loyalty): You gain bonus points over time. - Example personality (treacherous): You lose points over time. - Example personality (greedy): Will ask for more, over time. - Example personality (trader): Will warn you that some other shaman is outbidding you, so you have a change to outbid them. - Example personality (bluffer): Will warn you that some other shaman is outbidding you, even if they don't. - Example personality (fickle): Will periodically change needs. - Example personality (traveler): Likes shamans over locations for some amount of points. The can flee to locations that are further away. - Example personality (non-traveler): Opposite of traveller. - Example personality (location bound): cannot move from it's location. - Example personality (slightly-forgiving): Breaking banes deduces points and you won't be able to cast spells for an hour (instead of a whole day) if you apologize. - Example personality (forgiving): Breaking banes only deduces points, you will still be able to cast spells, if you apologize. - Example personality (mute): can only communicate in one of the following ways: Pictionary/sherades/miming/piglatin.

Connection type 2 (Spirit servant): - The shaman asks a spirit in a ritual to do something big. - Either the shaman or the benefactor of the ritual gains a condition stating the way in which the person now needs to serve the spirit periodically, including a consequences for not doing this.

Connection type 3 (Spirit contact): - The shaman has a way of contacting this spirit in a ritual, the shaman also known a way to get boons with this particular spirit. - If the shaman has boons at the moment, these can be redeemed for a certain standard magical effect.

Some thoughts: - Spirits should probably be a very diverse power source. One cool way to do that might be to allow a spirit to have skills, which they will perform on your behalf. We should see if we can find a way to do this, and perhaps what skills this can't be done with.

Design goals: - OC skill challange: - Onderhandelen.

Random brainstorm: - Channaling - Reizen door de grey - Spirits zijn voornamelijk "melee" buff sprueken of zijn hier in gespecialiseerd. - Groepsuitstapjes naar de grey zou kunnen met resistance gameplay? - Fetishes (Objecten waar spirits in zitten opgesloten/gebonden/belooft die het item sterker maken) - Channelen van spirits zou spirits "dichtbij" genoeg kunnen laten komen om de fetish te poweren. - Shamanen zijn het communicatie kanaal tussen de community en de spirits

  • Shamanen kunnen deze positie uitbuiten - Shamanen vechten onderling voor "klanditie" - Shamaan moet diensten van zijn spirit kunnen verkopen - Je kunt spririts substainen met prayer tokens maar het aan priests geven is veel rendabeler.
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) wo, 18/01/2012 16:58