Divine Beings (early draft)

Divine Beings (early draft)

Domain maintainer: Wilco Copperjaw

Divine Armoury

The divine armoury contains weapons, shields and armour inspired by those items used by angels and demons themselves. They are particularly effective when used in combination with angel or demon blessings.

=Item Paladin Blade
=Toughness 4
=Market price 1200¢
=Restore price 800¢
=Unique Use Spend 1 WP: Detect Demon
=Unique Use Call "Hit 4" when you hit a Demon detected with this weapon
=Physrep LARP safe sword or axe with a length of 60 cm to 110 cm
=Item Fiend Blade
=Toughness 4
=Market price 1200¢
=Restore price 800¢
=Unique Use Spend 1 WP: Detect Angel
=Unique Use Call "Hit 4" when you hit an Angel detected with this weapon
=Physrep LARP safe sword or axe with a length of 60 cm to 110 cm
=Item Angel's Armour
=Market price 1200¢
=Restore price 800¢
=Unique Rule Receive Divine HP damage, Spend 1 WP: Call "Resist 3"
=Physrep Leather or hide armour
=Name Demon's Shield
=Market price 1200¢
=Restore price 800¢
=Toughness 2
=Unique Rule You become injured, Spend 2WP: Regain 3HP, this item breaks
=Physrep Maximum diameter 110 cm.
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 01/10/2012 19:37

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

Every deity has one or more dominions. A dominion is a subject of importance to a society in which the deity has substantially greater influence then other deities. For example you might have Mars who has a dominion of war, or Poseidon with dominion over the sea. When choosing skills or conditions form this domain you should read the lore that's created about the deity you serve and how he or she is worshipped.

Deities occasionally interfere with the regular flow of things. This is called divine intervention. A deity spends some of their divine charges to interfere with the world. This can occur on a deity's own initiative or because one of their followers requested it.

Deities only interfere with things involving their dominions. For instance a god of storms can be asked to refrain from causing a storm, but he does not intervene in matters of fertility. A divine intervention can not directly interfere with beings who have free will. This includes any mind altering interventions, as well as interventions that would clearly result in ending the life of a specific individual. Because of this, praying for the death of someone will never get them killed. Deities can however interfere by starting a lethal fire in a city, since this isn't targeted at ending the life of any specific person.

Deities spend divine charges for divine intervention. When asking for divine intervention, you need to supply sufficient DC. To do this, make an estimate of how many characters (including NPCs) would have a direct advantage or disadvantage from the divine intervention. This number is the amount of divine charges that is required for the intervention. It is important that you think through what it is exactly that you ask. For example: You pray for a castle wall to fall down so your army can invade the castle. This will directly benefit everyone in your army, and it will be a serious problem for anyone inside the castle. All of these people are directly involved in the intervention and so you add one divine charge for each of them. As a result of this the evil king may be killed and the surfs in his kingdom can now live happy free lives. All of these people however do not directly benefit, and neither do the stone masons who will have extra work afterwards.

If the game masters agree with your estimate, there is about a 75% chance that a divine intervention will be granted. An intervention will only be considered once, so if a similar thing is asked twice the chance of it happening won't improve. Divine intervention will not occur instantly. Once the request is forwarded to a GM, they decide if it will be granted. This may be random, or it may be decided based on plot or the personality of that deity. If it is granted, it will happen somewhere before the next down time period.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) zo, 30/09/2012 19:13



A servitar is an angel of demon who serves a deity. Their are specific skills for priests and crusaders specialized in dealing with servitars. With Angelology and Demonology characters can summon servitars, cast angel or demon blessings with less DC, and detect if someone is or is possessed by a servitar.


=Skill Angelology
=Points 4
=Rule Perform a Summoning ceremony, spend X times 10DC: Summon an X point angel of your deity
=Rule You can call "Detect angel" and "Detect demon".
=Rule "Angel" blessings cost 3DC less to cast.
=Requires Priest Level 2 or Crusader Level 2
=Skill Demonology
=Points 4
=Rule Perform a Summoning ceremony, spend X times 10DC: Summon an X point demon of your deity
=Rule You can call "Detect angel" and "Detect demon".
=Rule "Demon" blessings cost 3DC less to cast
=Requires Priest Level 2 or Crusader Level 2


Servitars can be summoned with demonology or angelology. A summoning ceremony is a call to a servitar to come to the place of the summoning. Summoning does not force the servitar to come. Because of this you should give it a reason to come. Servitars have their own agenda and may not be interested in what you want it to do. To summon a specific servitar, you must know it's true name. If you don't give a name, the deity you serve decides which servitar (if any) to send.

Just like in a prayer, you can send DC to the servitar you wish to summon. They need this to construct their physical bodies. A servitar summoned this way takes 10DC for every point that character is strong. So a 15 point servitar must have 150DC to construct it's body.

Because it takes time for your request to reach a servitar, and for it to go to you and construct it's body, there will be a delay between the summoning ceremony and the moment the servitar appears. After performing the ceremony, you should contact a GM so that they can decide if the servitar will come.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) za, 01/09/2012 19:28