Cultural or social limitations

Cultural or social limitations
=Condition Boon
=Points ?
=Unique Rule TODO: Geldkistje dat je kunt gebruiken in "dire need".
=Condition Friend <name>
=Points 0
=Unique Rule Once per day, spend 1 WP: Spend 20 minutes socializing with your friend, he gains 1 WP.
=Unique Rule If your friend dies: Lose 2 WP. If you enact proper revenge regain 1 of these lost WP.
=Shared Rule This condition is free after having had friendly relations with another character.
=Details You can certainly be friends without the use of this condition. This condition is not necessarily mutual.
=Condition Good Friend <name>
=Points 0
=Unique Rule Twice per day, spend 1 WP: Spend 15 minutes socializing with your friend, he gains 1 WP.
=Unique Rule If your friend dies: Lose 3 WP. If you enact proper revenge regain 2 of these lost WP.
=Shared Rule This condition is free after having had friendly relations with another character for at least 3 events.
=Details You can certainly be good friends without the use of this condition. This condition is not necessarily mutual.
=Condition Hated Enemy <name>
=Points 1
=Unique Rule If your enemy dies: Gain 1 WP.
=Unique Rule If your enemy dies because of your involvement: Gain 1 extra WP.
=Shared Rule This condition can be bought for 25¢ after having had hostile relations with another character.
=Details You can certainly be enemies without the use of this condition. This condition is not necessarily mutual. You spend unproductive time hating him (possibly intoxicated), which costs you the copper.
=Condition Health insurance
=Points 2
=Unique Rule Getting wounded or disabled won't cost you .
=Unique Rule You must pay 20¢ per month or lose this condition.
=Shared Rule This condition can be bought for 200¢.
=Details You have an agreement with an organisation (or loving family etc.). They will provide you with healthcare if you get wounded but you pay a monthly fee.
=Condition Benefactor
=Points 4
=Unique Rule You have 4 R less.
=Unique Rule You are only allowed to have items that belong to your starting equipment. Any money or items you gain will be taken from you at checkout.
=Unique Rule If your character dies, instead of starting ¢, your next character gets half of the money and items that got taken from you.
=Unique Rule Getting wounded or disabled won't cost you but will lower the money your next character gets by 2 per instead.
=Shared Rule This condition can be trained as if it was a skill.
=Details You work for an organisation that doesn't allow personal property. But they take care of you if you get wounded.
=Condition Provider 1
=Points 2
=Unique Rule You have 2 R less.
=Unique Rule If your character dies, instead of starting ¢, your next character gets half of the ¢ and items that get send to your family. If you want.
=Shared Rule This condition can be trained as if it was a skill.
=Details You provide for others. Most of the time this is a family or clan or organisation back home. You should write up a will (whether it will be followed is up to other characters).
=Condition Provider 2
=Points 4
=Unique Rule You have 4 R less.
=Rule If Your character dies: If you want, instead of starting ¢, your next character gets 3/4 of the ¢ and items that get send to your family.
=Rule This condition can be trained as if it was a skill.
=Details You provide for others. Most of the time this is a family or clan or organisation back home. You should write up a will (whether it will be followed is up to other characters).
=Condition Provider 3
=Points 6
=Rule You have 6 R less.
=Rule Your character dies: If you want, instead of starting ¢, your next character gets the ¢ and items that get send to your family.
=Rule This condition can be trained as if it was a skill.
=Details You provide for others. Most of the time this is a family or clan or organisation back home. You should write up a will (whether it will be followed is up to other characters).
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) do, 13/12/2012 17:33