Larceny and thievery(draft)

Larceny and thievery(draft)

These are my current thoughts on this domain. I am just putting them down to get them out of my head. Feel free to bitch about these ideas:

Currently the core rules state the following

- You are allowed to carry one item for which you have no physrep. This is a concealed item. If a player searches you for concealed items you must show the item card from the concealed item. A Large item may not be concealed, this will be noted by the term "Large" on the item card. - The core has no rules on torture; therefore torture automatically fails unless the victim wants to fail. (Threatening with death still works of course, but this only works effectively if you have several prisoners. With one it becomes a game of bluff. And there is always the change that they will kill you regardless of you telling) - The core has no rules on concealing physreps: therefore concealing physreps works with the player his OC skills. - The core has no rules about sneak attacks: therefore sneak attacks (attacks that the victim doesn't sees coming) have the same damage as normal attacks (regardless of combat mobility not working, bypassing armour, etc). - The core rules have no rules on disguises: disguises in LARP is always a tricky subject because player A probably assumes that player B plays a different character when player B is differently dressed, disguises almost always work when played by the rules, no matter how silly little they differ from the original character. Disguising yourself as a different race with IC make up doesn't work either because players have no chance to see the difference between IC and OC make-up. Currently disguises should not be allowed. - The core rules have no rules on playing dead: Playing dead in LARP has almost the same problem as disguising ourselves in a LARP. It is a silly tactic that should not be allowed without proper rules because player A cannot see whether or not player B his character is dead/dying/pretending. - The core rules have no rules on pickpocketing: This is done purely by OC skills at the moment but it is a bit tricky because should the item card be stolen? Should the physrep be stolen? How does the player gets back his physrep? Etc.

Design goals

- Allow characters to harm, steal and confront each other on a martial playing field without combat. - Should not add any core rules.

Should be able to portray the following situations

- Torture VS withstanding (VS lying during torture. VS dying during torture). - Concealing items (without physreps) VS finding concealed items. (without the need to OC strip search) - Sneak attacking (outside of combat) - Attacks of opportunities ("sneak" attack DURING combat.)

  • Downtime spying VS downtime concealing. - Pickpocketing VS detection.
  • Disguises and playing dead VS detection.
Drafts of skills

Roos and Wilco (Paraphrased by Brian): We do not want a system for this. Player can roleplay this, and that is enough.


- Torture skill (Several levels): Torture somebody for 5 minutes, spend 1 WP: He must answer all your questions truthfully and do everything you say as long as he remains your captive and loses 1 WP. You can torture somebody several times if you want. You can use this skill x times without paying WP. (x is the level of this skill+2) - Resist torture (Several levels): Spend 1 WP: You can lie instead of tell the truth when being tortured (including a simple "I don't know"), and you don't lose WP from the torture itself. You can use this skill x times without paying WP (x is the level of this skill). - Prolong torture (Several levels): Torturing you takes 2 (4, 8, 16, etc.) times as long. - Quicken torture (Several levels): Torturing somebody takes only half (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc.) of the time.

Roos and Wilco (Paraphrased by Brian): These sound good.

Concealing items

- Conceal item (Several levels): You do not have to show one of your item cards for which you have no physrep unless somebody calls "detect x" while searching you. (x is the level of this skill). You can buy this skill several times.


Clip a clothes-peg or sticker to a pouch/bag, or drop a stone into the pouch/bag: You get a single random item or 10% of the money in that pouch. At higher levels you get more items and a higher percentage of money.


Security (Several levels): Spend 1 WP: You can call (detect x) while searching somebody. Spend 1 WP: You lose less items while being pickpocketed. Guard's patience (Several levels): You can use the security skill x times without paying WP (x is the level of this skill).

Wilco and Rowan (paraphrased by Brian): "Combat should be defined better"

Sneak attacks

Assassinate (Several levels): Spend 2 WP: Attack somebody with a non-large weapon between the shoulder blades before combat starts. Call "hit 20" and "Drain x" (x is the level of this skill -1). Attack of opportunity (Several levels): Spend 2 WP, attack somebody who is under the influence of a stumble, fall or daze attack that you did no call with a non-large weapon: Call "hit 2+x" (x is the level of this skill)

Wilco (paraphrased by Brian): Should be mingled with the NPC organisations.

Downtime spying

Spying/tracking down: Spend x: You have a x*10% change to find out what you want to find out??? Home security/laying low: Spend x: Your home security pool is raised by x*4. When somebody spies on you the they pour in are lowered by your home security pool and your home security pool is lowered by their . You are not told how high your home security pool is at any given time.

Wilco (paraphrased by Brian): Should not do. Edge case problems.


Disguise (Several levels): You are allowed to wear a second costume that is designed to make you look like a different character. You cannot imitate specific people nor can you change your race. (maybe you can at higher levels?). If somebody calls "detect x" while searching you they notice you are disguised. (x is the level of this skill). You can buy this skill several times (every time you can pick a different costume and thus persona.)

Play dead

Play dead: You are allowed to pretend that you are unconscious/dead. If somebody examines you for longer than 10 seconds (this includes for example looting your armour) they notice you are still alive.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) di, 28/05/2013 17:37