Spirit Magic

Spirit Magic

Spirit magic is a supernatural kind of magic in which the powers of spirits are harnessed for the benefit (or dismay) of mortals. Those who have mastered spirit magic are called Shamans. A shaman is a person who formed alliances with spirits. In exchange for some service the Shaman provides to that spirit, the spirit works for the Shaman.

Spirit magic is a dangerous forms of magic for the practitioner. Spirits are often devious and untrusting creatures. Shamans are constantly tempted by their spirits to take on greater and greater risk, for ever greater powers. But if they fail, if ever they stray from their path, his spirits may devour each other or even the shaman himself. A great shaman is one with wisdom, always knowing which paths lead to glory, and which to demise.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) zo, 03/01/2016 12:47

Basics of Spirit Magic

Basics of Spirit Magic

Each person with skills of a shaman or spirit guide can travel into the spirit realm, where they have a power called mana. Once there, shamans can form a relationship with a spirit, a condition known as a spirit bond. These bonds are created when a shaman makes a deal with a spirit. In exchange for a service the shaman provides for the spirit, known as a bane, the spirit will aid the shaman with some kind of feat. For this, the shaman receives a spirit contract condition.

Knowing this, you are ready to play a shaman. There are many variations and different levels of power involved in spirit magic. There are spirits as weak as a soft breeze and there are spirits more powerful than the biggest tornado's. Equally so, while some spirits will simply refuse to work with a shaman if he fails to uphold their bane, others may be so angry they'll outright kill the shaman and possibly take some of his friends with him for good measure.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) zo, 03/01/2016 12:50