


The system features seven statistics. Combat Skill, Agility, Dodge and Initiative are mostly used during simulated combats. There are three additional statistics, Charisma, Wealth and Knowledge. These are not usually used during combat, except for some small abilities granted by charisma.

At creation of a new character you must choose the height of of your statistics. If you choose not to use this system all of your statistics will be automatically put at 5. Every character has 35 points he can spend on 7 statistics. The maximum height of any statistic is 10 at character creation. If you create a character with a statistic that is higher than 7, or lower than 4, make sure to explicitly note in your background how you got this extreme statistic.

Statistics are sometimes abbreviated. The following table lists these abbreviations:

Statistic Abbreviation
Combat Skill CS
Agility A
Dodge D
Initiative I
Knowledge K
Charisma C
Wealth W


Several statistics can receive modifiers during certain situations, like the weapon bonus you receive from a drawn weapon during combat. These modifiers are listed as a bonus or penalty. There are several types of bonuses. As a general rule, bonuses from the same type do not stack, instead, the highest applies. Note that penalties from the same type do stack. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are always specially mentioned. The type of a bonus or penalty is always listed. If not, assume they do not stack.

The following table lists common modifier types and their abbreviation:

Modifier Abbreviation
Equipment e
Power p
Tactics t
Environmental env
Conditional c
Misc m

The abbreviation is appended to a modifier to describe the type.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:23

Combat Skill

Combat Skill

Combat Skill determines your base attack and defence scores. Attack determines the chance of scoring a potential hit against your target, while defence determines the minimum Attack your enemy needs to hit you. During a combat, the attacker rolls a d20 and adds his attack. This result is then compared to the target's defence score. If the attack is higher or equal then it is a potential hit. (See Dodge below.)

Your total attack during a round is determined by your base attack and several modifiers, like your weapon, your tactics, powers you have used and others. Your defence is determined mainly by your base defence with a bonus from your weapons, but other modifiers are also possible.

The following table lists weapon modifiers for attack:

Weapon type Length Modifier
One Handed Weapon 70cm - 110cm +1e
Two Handed Weapon 110cm - 150cm +2e
Pole-arms and Staves 150cm+ +3e

The modifiers for defence are listed in the following table:

Weapon type Length Modifier
Unarmed n/a +3e
Small Weapons 0 - 30cm +5e
One Handed Weapons 30cm - 70cm +6e
One Handed Weapons 70cm - 110cm +7e
Two Handed Weapons 110cm - 150cm +8e
Pole-arms, Staves 150cm+ +10e
Shield* n/a +5e
Two weapon fighting n/a Special**

* The defence bonus from a shield stack with that of your weapon.
** For two weapon fighting, your defence bonus is equal to that of your main hand combined with half the defence bonus of your off hand rounded down.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:26



The charisma skill will not directly help you in combat but it does unlock powers that can be used in combat. This skill determines your character his training and talent in dealing socially with other people. Influencing NPCs is easier if you have a high charisma skill and harder if you have a low one.

Charisma also determines the amount of people you can effectively command or supervise and, if you are the appointed group public figurehead. It also determines the maximum amount of people in the group. Any group/guild/organisation/tribe can only have one mayor figurehead. The charisma of the mayor figurehead also determines how many other figureheads the group has. A figurehead might be somebody that actively recruits people, inspires people to join him because of his glorious deeds or talks to the lore keepers if they come asking tricky questions.

A charisma of 6 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead an Underbelly faction. A charisma of 8 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead a Heimr fleet.

People you can directly supervise/command:

Charisma Number of people
10 320
9 160
8 80
7 40
6 20
5 10
4 5
3 0

Maximum number of people in group if public figurehead:

Charisma Number of people Additional public figureheads if mayor figurehead
10 480 +5
9 240 +4
8 120 +3
7 60 +2
6 30 +1
5 15 +0
4 5 +0
3 0 +0

It also needs the money to support this number, see the wealth skill for more information on company employees.

Penalty to number of people in the group if you have characters with this charisma in the group:

Charisma Number of people less
3 1
2 2
1 3
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 22:10



The knowledge skill will not directly help you in combat. It determines how much your character knows about the world of Heimr. You do not have to read all the lore that your character is able to know, and you are allowed to read lore that your character is not able to know because of his low knowledge skill, but you are not allowed to base your in character actions on out of character knowledge. Certain knowledge levels are also required to perform certain rituals. Characters with a high knowledge skill sometimes receive more or more accurate information from a DM during a quest or situation.

Knowledge is divided into categories. These categories are General, Arcane, Divine, Asgard, Midgard, Utgard and Wilderness. You can determine individual knowledge levels of your character in specific categories. If you do not determine any speciality categories, all categories are equal to your knowledge score. If you reduce a category by 2K you can increase another category by 1K. Note that you still cannot increase a statistic above 10 during character creation.

Most of the lore in the Lore section has a specific knowledge level, as well as a category. This indicates the minimum level of knowledge your character needs to have in order to know this particular piece of lore. In the event that a knowledge level of lore changes and you already had play with the knowledge, your character does not suddenly forget the knowledge. (Change might be common in the beginnings of this system).

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:52



This statistic determines the order in which people take their turns. The higher this statistic the higher the chance is that your action happen before the actions of the enemy. At the beginning of every round the result of a different throw with a twenty sided die (d20) is added to the initiative of every participant of the battle. If the result is the same, the person with the higher statistic can go first, if both have the same initiative statistic the person with the higher will go first, of both have the same agility a coin flip will determine who goes first.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:24



During combat, you can dodge a potential hit. The result of a d20 combined with your Dodge score is compared to the result of the attacker's attack roll. If your Dodge result is higher, the attack misses, if not, the attack hits and deals damage.

You receive a penalty to your dodge depending on your armour:

Armour Type Penalty
Light Armour -1e*
Medium Armour -2e*
Heavy Armour -3e*
Shield -1e

* If you have the "Armourstacking" skill, the penalties for armour do not stack, instead, the highest applies.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:27



If you attack with a ranged weapon this statistic will determine if you score a potential hit or not, just as combat skill does for melee attacks. You need to score at least 15 + a number based on your type of ranged weapon. This statistic also determines the maximum height of your Initiative, Weapon Skill and Dodge. If you wish to have any of these statistics at a level of 7 you need an agility of at least 2. If you wish to have any of these statistics at a level of 8 you need an agility of at least 3 and so on.

The following table lists weapon modifiers for agility:

Weapon type Modifier to number needed
Throwing Weapons +2e
Crossbow +1e
Bow (minimum 5 agility) +0e
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:34



The wealth skill will not directly help you in combat, but you can buy items and mercenaries that will temporarily help you in combat. You can also buy a lot of other things with wealth. Wealth determines your characters free income (after expenses like maintenance, food, clothing, etc) per month, your starting money (or debt) and how much people your company or organization employs. You receive your free income only if you have posted at least one IC post with this character during this month.

A starting wealth of 8 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead an Underbelly faction. If you win an Underbelly game and you are the only one left, the character temporarily gains +1W until the city is reset. If your character "holds" two city in this way he gains an additional +1W for the duration of this situation. You gain another +1W for a third board, and so on. If your character loses control of a faction, usually because there is only one board the faction is on and the faction is wiped from that board, your character loses a wealth until it regains control of the faction within the Underbelly game.

The following table lists wealth related bonuses:

Wealth Income per month Starting gold Notes
1 1c None Heavy debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
2 2c None Debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
3 3c None Light debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
4 4c None You could live in a tribe or other structure without money.
5 5c 5g You probably work for a company.
6 8c 8g You might have a one man business or a specialist salary.
7 15c 15g You must be the owner or shareholder of a company.
8 30c 30g You must be the owner or shareholder of a large company.
9 60c 60g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
10 125c 125g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
11 200c 200g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
12 275c 275g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
13+ +75c +75g You must be the owner or shareholder of several very large companies.

Rough figure your (share in the) organization employs:

Wealth Number of people
13+ +500
12 2000
11 1500
10 1000
9 320
8 80
7 20

The maximum number of employees of the company is this number + the number from all the other shareholders, but it also needs a public figurehead to support this number. See the Charisma skill for more information on public figureheads.

Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 22:26