

If you attack with a ranged weapon this statistic will determine if you score a potential hit or not, just as combat skill does for melee attacks. You need to score at least 15 + a number based on your type of ranged weapon. This statistic also determines the maximum height of your Initiative, Weapon Skill and Dodge. If you wish to have any of these statistics at a level of 7 you need an agility of at least 2. If you wish to have any of these statistics at a level of 8 you need an agility of at least 3 and so on.

The following table lists weapon modifiers for agility:

Weapon type Modifier to number needed
Throwing Weapons +2e
Crossbow +1e
Bow (minimum 5 agility) +0e
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 21:34