

Actions determine what you do during a round of combat. Actions take a predetermined amount of time. There are four basic types of actions: Free Actions, Half Actions, Full Actions and Reactive Actions. Free actions take almost no time and are therefore free, you can take as many of these as you like. Half actions take up half the time of a round. You can take two of these during a single round. Full actions take all the time of a round. Reactive actions are reactions on someone else's actions. You can take one of these during a round, regardless of your other actions.

Description Action Notes
= Attack related
Attack Half action
Use power Varies See "Powers"
Cast spell Full action Includes a touch attack, if necessary. You can also move one position during this action.
Taunt Half action See "Charisma"
= Movment related
Move a position Half action
Stand up from prone Half action
Crawl to another position Full action
= Item related
Draw a weapon Half action Weapon is assumed to be easily drawable, otherwise see Draw Item
Draw an arrow Half action You need to draw an arrow before being able to shoot
Draw throwing weapons (Two) Half action You now have two throwing weapons drawn and can use them to attack
Draw an item Full action
Put a weapon away Half action Weapon is assumed to be easily put away, otherwise see Put an item away.
Put an item away Full action
Drop item Free action
Pick up item Half action
= Free actions
Speak a few lines Free action
Guard an exit Free action Forces enemies to first defeat or evade you before entering another position. See movement.
Use hero-point Free action
Use willpower Free action
Anoniem (niet gecontroleerd) ma, 23/11/2009 22:48