
The knowledge skill will not directly help you in combat. It determines how much your character knows about the world of Heimr. You do not have to read all the lore that your character is able to know, and you are allowed to read lore that your character is not able to know because of his low knowledge skill, but you are not allowed to base your in character actions on out of character knowledge. Certain knowledge levels are also required to perform certain rituals. Characters with a high knowledge skill sometimes receive more or more accurate information from a DM during a quest or situation.

Knowledge is divided into categories. These categories are General, Arcane, Divine, Asgard, Midgard, Utgard and Wilderness. You can determine individual knowledge levels of your character in specific categories. If you do not determine any speciality categories, all categories are equal to your knowledge score. If you reduce a category by 2K you can increase another category by 1K. Note that you still cannot increase a statistic above 10 during character creation.

Most of the lore in the Lore section has a specific knowledge level, as well as a category. This indicates the minimum level of knowledge your character needs to have in order to know this particular piece of lore. In the event that a knowledge level of lore changes and you already had play with the knowledge, your character does not suddenly forget the knowledge. (Change might be common in the beginnings of this system).


Last updated Mon, 13-09-2021 21:44 by Brian Bors
Created Mon, 23-11-2009 21:52 by Anonymous

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