
The wealth skill will not directly help you in combat, but you can buy items and mercenaries that will temporarily help you in combat. You can also buy a lot of other things with wealth. Wealth determines your characters free income (after expenses like maintenance, food, clothing, etc) per month, your starting money (or debt) and how much people your company or organization employs. You receive your free income only if you have posted at least one IC post with this character during this month.

A starting wealth of 8 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead an Underbelly faction. If you win an Underbelly game and you are the only one left, the character temporarily gains +1W until the city is reset. If your character "holds" two city in this way he gains an additional +1W for the duration of this situation. You gain another +1W for a third board, and so on. If your character loses control of a faction, usually because there is only one board the faction is on and the faction is wiped from that board, your character loses a wealth until it regains control of the faction within the Underbelly game.

The following table lists wealth related bonuses:

Wealth Income per month Starting gold Notes
1 1c None Heavy debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
2 2c None Debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
3 3c None Light debt, you probably work for a company and have to pay interest.
4 4c None You could live in a tribe or other structure without money.
5 5c 5g You probably work for a company.
6 8c 8g You might have a one man business or a specialist salary.
7 15c 15g You must be the owner or shareholder of a company.
8 30c 30g You must be the owner or shareholder of a large company.
9 60c 60g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
10 125c 125g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
11 200c 200g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
12 275c 275g You must be the owner or shareholder of a very large or several companies.
13+ +75c +75g You must be the owner or shareholder of several very large companies.

Rough figure your (share in the) organization employs:

Wealth Number of people
13+ +500
12 2000
11 1500
10 1000
9 320
8 80
7 20

The maximum number of employees of the company is this number + the number from all the other shareholders, but it also needs a public figurehead to support this number. See the Charisma skill for more information on public figureheads.


Last updated Mon, 13-09-2021 21:24 by Brian Bors
Created Mon, 23-11-2009 22:26 by Anonymous

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