Added realism.

If you pick any of these conditions you are bad-ass and hardcore. Some of these conditions are open to interpretation and judgement calls from the player, because you go beyond the call of duty already you are given some leeway when these conditions are concerned.

=Condition Deadly infections
=Unique Rule If you have 2 infections the second one is deadly.
=Unique Rule If you have a deadly infection on you limb you can survive this by amputating the limb (with the amputate skill for example).
=Unique Rule If you have a deadly infection on your torso or it takes you longer than an hour to amputate your limb you will die from your infection. You are allowed to choose the time of death yourself with a maximum of 1 week.
=Details Infections are a common cause of death amongst combatants.
=Condition Realistic recovering times
=Unique Rule Recovering from wounds and infections take 1d6 times the amount of they would normally take.
=Unique Rule If you have the health insurance condition you must pay an additional 50¢ per month or lose it.
=Details This would be a more realistic length of time for you to be unable to perform your craft and would sometimes economically cripple you unless you have made proper arrangements.
=Condition Realistic needs
=Unique Rule If you go without food or drink for a full day you will lose 1 WP.
=Unique Rule If you go without at least 5 hours of sleep in a night you will lose 1 WP.
=Unique Rule If you go without drink for 3 days you will start losing 1 WP every hour and cannot regain WP without having a drink first; at zero WP you will die of dehydration.
=Unique Rule If you go without food for 2 weeks you will start losing 1 WP every day and cannot regain WP without having proper food first; at zero WP you will die of starvation.
=Unique Rule If you go without sleep for 2 days you will start losing 1 WP every 2 hours and cannot regain WP without having slept first; at zero WP you will either fall asleep automatically or you will start to hallucinate when forcefully kept awake.
=Details Without food or drink or sleep you will not function properly.
=Condition Realistic emotions
=Unique Rule If you experience profound loss or anguish you will lose WP. If you want you regain 1 or 2 WP after proper revenge.
=Unique Rule A child, partner, parent or similar: 4 WP.
=Unique Rule A good friend, your home or similar: 3 WP.
=Unique Rule A friend, an important item or similar: 2 WP.
=Unique Rule Money or items, every 10 minutes of torture, general personal failure or similar: 1 WP.
=Details Loss or anguish robs most people of the will to continue... or drive one to rash deeds.


Laatst aangepast op ma, 16/08/2021 21:39 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op do, 13/12/2012 17:36 door Anoniem

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