Specialised Glyphs

Glyph Send
= Special Pick a number from 1 to 10. This glyph creates a numbered "output port" for systems to use.
= Special When activated, the message as defined by the system is sent. IN1 is passed along as value.
Glyph Receive
= Special Pick a number from 1 to 10. This glyph creates a numbered "input port" for systems to use.
= Special Will block until a message is received.
= Return The value from the message, if any
Glyph Area Trigger
= Special Pick a radius. A circle with that radius is used as area for this trigger.
= Special Blocks until someone enters the area.
Glyph Create Living Tissue
= Special Pick an amount in grams. This glyph will create that amount of living tissue.
= Return The chosen amount of living tissue.
= Note The tissue is moldable for a few seconds after creation.
Glyph Loop control
= Special Can be used to create loops in automata. One side only allows flow from the loop control to the adjacent glyph, not the other way around. This prevents ambiguities in the flow.


Laatst aangepast op ma, 06/09/2021 20:22 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op zo, 26/04/2015 23:45 door Anoniem

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