Aurogan Defence Federation


This interstellar faction is the weakest in the interstellar neighbourhood.

About 98 Worlds have joined this faction.

It is located INSERT MAP HERE


To us

Unknown. We have had little contact with this faction.

To other factions

The collective

This faction's relationship with the collective is openly neutral. They are allowed to buy DST's.

Siege Corp

Presumed Hostile. We have not seen these two factions do battle, but they actively avoid each others territory.

Empire of the Cloaked Hammer

Unknown. We have not seen these two factions interact.

The Living Machine

Presumed Hostile. We have not seen these two factions do battle, but they actively avoid each others territory.


We have no known contacts amongst this faction.

Government type

Key figures

We do not know who the key figures of this faction are.

Laws and culture


We are unaware of any subfactions within this faction


How to recognize

Apart from the logo on ships and official contacts this organisation has no uniform as it is a federation of smaller factions.

Protocol for contact

There is no protocol for contact with this faction. However they seem pretty open to outsiders as they themselves have a very mixed culture. Proceed with general caution.

Past encounters

Aurogan Defence Federation Encounter Log


The Aurogan Defence Federation is self sufficient and not reliant on trade from outside factions.

The Aurogan Defence Federation sells supplies to nearby travelers. Export to other factions seems very limited.


Little is known about the history of this faction.

Laatst aangepast op zo, 08/01/2023 13:47 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op ma, 19/12/2022 23:30 door Brian Bors

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