
Name: Halfling
Type: Secondary

  • Frail
  • Blue veined skin
  • Can eat some plant matter

Breeding: Opportunistic breeders based on predator scarcity
Gestation period: 7 months
Natural lifespan: 65 years
Life expectancy at birth: 26 years
Adulthood: 17 years
Life expectancy at adulthood: 42 years

skin colour: Pale, gets paler with age
Other visually distinguishing features:

  • Vaguely visible veins (gets more visible with age)


The Halfling are one of the fifteen standard races .

Note that the name comes from the fact that they evolved to live in hollowed out hills and crouch a lot. They are not actually shorter than humans.

They live for about 65 years before they die of old age.

Physical appearance


Halfing are frail humanoids that have a very light white skin. Their skin is so light and frail the veins begin to become visible from a distance as the halfing hits puberty and grow to become more and more visible over time.


Halflings tend to be thin and brittle, making them slightly more fragile when compared to humans. The visible veins underneath the halfling his skin are caused by a frail skin as well as a darker blood. Their slower metabolism and cautious nature makes sure they live slightly longer natural lives than humans.

Their lack of toughness and short lifespan tends to make halflings skittish and they seem to have the natural biological urge to hoard resources for tough times.


Halflings are Omnivorous. They can digest some plant matter that is not nutritious to humans.


Last updated Mon, 30-01-2023 22:31 by Brian Bors
Created Mon, 03-08-2009 17:27 by Anonymous

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