Dan-nor first of the High guard

Dan-nor Dilfar his burial mount is guarded by a small village and garrison of high-guard . Dan-nor was the first high-guard and one of the founders of Svadilfar .

Having tested and deemed the high-guard worthy, Talor vested great trust in Dan-nor, giving him near sainthood abilities as the spiritual guide of the lawfull order of Midgard. After being assassinated just months before ascending to be a saint of Talor, Dan-nor was still given a very respectful burial to say the least and his burial mount is still a favorite pilgrimage site for would be priests of Talor.

Dan-nor his burial mount is located south of Svadilfar in his favourite and tame forest. Dan-nor always stated this "tamed forest" as a symbol of the lawful, urban and industrial strength of Midgard.

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:55 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op ma, 18/04/2011 22:50 door Anoniem

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