Demographics of Asgard

The Asgardian Realm has an estimate of 2.600.000 inhabitants, though these records date back to pre-Rebellion time and do not include those that reside in the Lhengard , Wormwoods, Amberwoods and Undergrowth Depths. Asgard had a closed border up to recent, only welcoming sanctioned supply caravans and diplomats. Foreign visitors and politicians, especially those of Utgardian origin are understandingly distrusted and limited in their freedom.

About 14% of all Asgardians reside in the four largest cities, while 61% are spread over the numerous villages across the Realm. About 15% of it's population still cling to traditional life, settling in the deep forests that grace the lands.

"One straw proves feeble; but a helpless plaything to the gentle stream. One thousand straws tied together can bridge the wildest river." - Uyish Nerrl, Asgardian Diplomat

Total living: 2.600.000

Elf : 46% (1.196.000 = 59.8% of all elven)

Fae : 41% (1.008.000 = 50.4%)

Other races: 13% (200.000)

Feyfolk : 4% (134.000 = 6.7%)

Shanata : 2.25% (58.500 = 2.925%)

Nymph : 2.1% (54.600 = 2.73%)

Merfolk : 2% (52.000 = 2.6%)

Gnome : 0.4% (10.400 = 0.52%)

Tellurian : 0.2% (5200 = 0.26%)

Ogre : 0.1% (4.100 = 0.20%)

Human : 0.15% (2600 = 0.13%)

Lizardman : 0.1% (2600 = 0.13%)

Troll : 0.05% (700 = 0.125%)

Orc : 0.03 (500 = 0.125%)

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:55 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op vr, 03/05/2013 19:03 door Anoniem

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