Testing substances

Effect testing substances

These substances can be used to test an ingredient to see if it produces a certain effect. Note that even if you use all the variants that there is still a small chance that the effect is produced even though you detected nothing. When combined with animal testing and bushcraft the chance is even lower, but there will still be a minuscule chance the effect will surprise you when you eventually test it on one of the fifteen races.

You do not get an item card for every testing substance you buy. Instead you can add them to your stock booklet.

=Consumable Perdota
=Market price 10¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Perdota reacts with about 90% of all known analgesic substances.
=Consumable Fymota
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Fymota reacts with about 95% of all known hallucinogenic substances.
=Consumable Nurstata
=Market price 12¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Nurstata reacts with about 95% of all known healing substances.
=Consumable Hitsata
=Market price 10¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Hitsata reacts with about 92% of all known uppers.
=Consumable Normta
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Normta reacts with about 91% of all known beta-blocking substances.
=Consumable Gigata
=Market price 12¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Gigata reacts with about 94% of all known strength enhancing substances.
=Consumable Primota
=Market price 12¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Primota reacts with about 89% of all known substances that ripple the primordial flow.
=Consumable Clencita
=Market price 11¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Clencita reacts with about 85% of all known substances that calm the primordial flow.
=Consumable Berserta
=Market price 12¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Berserta reacts with about 89% of all known adrenaline heightening substances.
=Consumable Savita
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Savita reacts with about 92% of all known anti-toxins.
=Consumable Darkta
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Darkta reacts with about 94% of all known blinding substances.
=Consumable Mordta
=Market price 13¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Mordta reacts with about 94% of all known deadly substances.
=Consumable Zicklyta
=Market price 14¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zicklyta reacts with about 91% of all known infectiousness substances.
=Consumable Smalta
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Smalta reacts with about 87% of all known weakening substances.
=Consumable Trumbleta
=Market price 10¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Trumbleta reacts with about 92% of all known fear inducing substances.
=Consumable Zazarta
=Market price 13¢
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zazarta reacts with about 85% of all known soporific substances.
=Consumable Transita
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Transita reacts with about 91% of all known addictive substances.
=Consumable Melota
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Melota reacts with about 92% of all known dazing substances.
=Consumable Vibrota
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Vibrota reacts with about 92% of all known substances that induce tremors.
=Consumable Domyta
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Domyta reacts with about 87% of all known substances that suppress intelligence.
=Consumable Perdolim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Perdolim reacts with about 73% of all known analgesic substances.
=Consumable Fymolim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Fymolim reacts with about 73% of all known hallucinogenic substances.
=Consumable Nurstalim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Nurstalim reacts with about 70% of all known healing substances.
=Consumable Hitsalim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Hitsalim reacts with about 78% of all known uppers.
=Consumable Normlim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Normlim reacts with about 79% of all known beta-blocking substances.
=Consumable Gigalim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Gigalim reacts with about 78% of all known strength enhancing substances.
=Consumable Primolim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Primolim reacts with about 74% of all known substances that ripple the primordial flow.
=Consumable Clencilim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Clencilim reacts with about 71% of all known substances that calm the primordial flow.
=Consumable Berserlim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Berserlim reacts with about 77% of all known adrenaline heightening substances.
=Consumable Savilim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Savilim reacts with about 78% of all known anti-toxins.
=Consumable Darklim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Darklim reacts with about 72% of all known blinding substances.
=Consumable Mordlim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Mordlim reacts with about 79% of all known deadly substances.
=Consumable Zicklylim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zicklylim reacts with about 70% of all known infectiousness substances.
=Consumable Smallim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Smallim reacts with about 73% of all known weakening substances.
=Consumable Trumblelim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Trumblelim reacts with about 71% of all known fear inducing substances.
=Consumable Zazarlim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zazarlim reacts with about 79% of all known soporific substances.
=Consumable Transilim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Transilim reacts with about 72% of all known addictive substances.
=Consumable Melolim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Melolim reacts with about 75% of all known dazing substances.
=Consumable Vibrolim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Vibrolim reacts with about 71% of all known substances that induce tremors.
=Consumable Domylim
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Domylim reacts with about 71% of all known substances that suppress intelligence.
=Consumable Perdorum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Perdorum reacts with about 54% of all known analgesic substances.
=Consumable Fymorum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Fymorum reacts with about 52% of all known hallucinogenic substances.
=Consumable Nurstarum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Nurstarum reacts with about 49% of all known healing substances.
=Consumable Hitsarum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Hitsarum reacts with about 49% of all known uppers.
=Consumable Normrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Normrum reacts with about 55% of all known beta-blocking substances.
=Consumable Gigarum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Gigarum reacts with about 45% of all known strength enhancing substances.
=Consumable Primorum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Primorum reacts with about 46% of all known substances that ripple the primordial flow.
=Consumable Clencirum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Clencirum reacts with about 53% of all known substances that calm the primordial flow.
=Consumable Berserrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Berserrum reacts with about 50% of all known adrenaline heightening substances.
=Consumable Savirum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Savirum reacts with about 54% of all known anti-toxins.
=Consumable Darkrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Darkrum reacts with about 54% of all known blinding substances.
=Consumable Mordrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Mordrum reacts with about 55% of all known deadly substances.
=Consumable Zicklyrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zicklyrum reacts with about 48% of all known infectiousness substances.
=Consumable Smalrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Smalrum reacts with about 54% of all known weakening substances.
=Consumable Trumblerum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Trumblerum reacts with about 53% of all known fear inducing substances.
=Consumable Zazarrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zazarrum reacts with about 55% of all known soporific substances.
=Consumable Transirum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Transirum reacts with about 51% of all known addictive substances.
=Consumable Melorum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Melorum reacts with about 52% of all known dazing substances.
=Consumable Vibrorum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Vibrorum reacts with about 55% of all known substances that induce tremors.
=Consumable Domyrum
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Domyrum reacts with about 54% of all known substances that suppress intelligence.

Catalyst testing substances

These substances can be used to test an ingredient to see if it quickens or slows down a certain effect when mixed with an ingredient that produces that effect. If an effect is quickened by a catalyst the onset will be earlier but the effect will last shorter. If an effect is slowed down by an anti-catalyst the onset will be later but the effect will also last longer. If an effect is slowed down enough it disperses completely.

=Consumable Perdosil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Perdosil is used to detect analgesic catalysts with a 91% accuracy.
=Consumable Fymosil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Fymosil is used to detect hallucinogenic catalysts with a 95% accuracy.
=Consumable Nurstasil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Nurstasil is used to detect catalysts for substances that promote healing with a 98% accuracy.
=Consumable Hitsasil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Hitsasil is used to detect catalysts for uppers with a 97% accuracy.
=Consumable Normsil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Normsil is used to detect catalysts for beta-blocking substances with a 98% accuracy.
=Consumable Gigasil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Gigasil is used to detect catalysts for strength enhancing substances with a 90% accuracy.
=Consumable Primosil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Primosil is used to detect catalysts for substances that ripple the primordial flow with a 95% accuracy.
=Consumable Clencisil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Clencisil is used to detect catalysts for substances that calm the primordial flow with a 95% accuracy.
=Consumable Bersersil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Bersersil is used to detect catalysts for adrenaline with a 95% accuracy.
=Consumable Savisil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Savisil is used to detect catalysts for anti-toxins with a 91% accuracy.
=Consumable Darksil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Darksil is used to detect catalysts for blinding substances with a 91% accuracy.
=Consumable Mordsil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Mordsil is used to detect catalysts for deadly substances with a 98% accuracy.
=Consumable Zicklysil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zicklysil is used to detect catalysts for infectiousness substances with a 90% accuracy.
=Consumable Smalsil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Smalsil is used to detect catalysts for weakening substances with a 91% accuracy.
=Consumable Trumblesil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Trumblesil is used to detect catalysts for fear inducing substances with a 99% accuracy.
=Consumable Zazarsil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Zazarsil is used to detect catalysts for soporific substances with a 92% accuracy.
=Consumable Transisil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Transisil is used to detect catalysts for addictive substances with a 94% accuracy.
=Consumable Melosil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Melosil is used to detect catalysts for dazing substances with a 91% accuracy.
=Consumable Virbrosil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Virbrosil is used to detect catalysts for substances that induce tremors with a 97% accuracy.
=Consumable Domysil
=Market price
=Unique Rule If you mix this with an ingredient and study it after 10 minutes contact a GM. You can use up to 5 testing substances parallel. Both this item and the ingredient are lost in the process.
=Details Domysil is used to detect catalysts for substances that suppress intelligence with a 95% accuracy.


Last updated Mon, 13-09-2021 20:45 by Brian Bors
Created Thu, 14-05-2015 16:17 by Anonymous

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