
The charisma skill will not directly help you in combat but it does unlock powers that can be used in combat. This skill determines your character his training and talent in dealing socially with other people. Influencing NPCs is easier if you have a high charisma skill and harder if you have a low one.

Charisma also determines the amount of people you can effectively command or supervise and, if you are the appointed group public figurehead. It also determines the maximum amount of people in the group. Any group/guild/organisation/tribe can only have one mayor figurehead. The charisma of the mayor figurehead also determines how many other figureheads the group has. A figurehead might be somebody that actively recruits people, inspires people to join him because of his glorious deeds or talks to the lore keepers if they come asking tricky questions.

A charisma of 6 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead an Underbelly faction. A charisma of 8 is mandatory if you wish this character to lead a Heimr fleet.

People you can directly supervise/command:

Charisma Number of people
10 320
9 160
8 80
7 40
6 20
5 10
4 5
3 0

Maximum number of people in group if public figurehead:

Charisma Number of people Additional public figureheads if mayor figurehead
10 480 +5
9 240 +4
8 120 +3
7 60 +2
6 30 +1
5 15 +0
4 5 +0
3 0 +0

It also needs the money to support this number, see the wealth skill for more information on company employees.

Penalty to number of people in the group if you have characters with this charisma in the group:

Charisma Number of people less
3 1
2 2
1 3


Laatst aangepast op ma, 13/09/2021 21:42 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op ma, 23/11/2009 22:10 door Anoniem

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