

The system features seven statistics. Combat Skill, Agility, Dodge and Initiative are mostly used during simulated combats. There are three additional statistics, Charisma, Wealth and Knowledge. These are not usually used during combat, except for some small abilities granted by charisma.

At creation of a new character you must choose the height of of your statistics. If you choose not to use this system all of your statistics will be automatically put at 5. Every character has 35 points he can spend on 7 statistics. The maximum height of any statistic is 10 at character creation. If you create a character with a statistic that is higher than 7, or lower than 4, make sure to explicitly note in your background how you got this extreme statistic.

Statistics are sometimes abbreviated. The following table lists these abbreviations:

Statistic Abbreviation
Combat Skill CS
Agility A
Dodge D
Initiative I
Knowledge K
Charisma C
Wealth W


Several statistics can receive modifiers during certain situations, like the weapon bonus you receive from a drawn weapon during combat. These modifiers are listed as a bonus or penalty. There are several types of bonuses. As a general rule, bonuses from the same type do not stack, instead, the highest applies. Note that penalties from the same type do stack. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are always specially mentioned. The type of a bonus or penalty is always listed. If not, assume they do not stack.

The following table lists common modifier types and their abbreviation:

Modifier Abbreviation
Equipment e
Power p
Tactics t
Environmental env
Conditional c
Misc m

The abbreviation is appended to a modifier to describe the type.


Laatst aangepast op ma, 06/09/2021 20:16 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op ma, 23/11/2009 21:23 door Anoniem

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